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About Us

MCNV empowers people to create a safe, just world by applying principles of nonviolence to transform lives, wage peace, and build strong communities.

Our Core Beliefs

  • Aggression and violence are preventable, not inevitable.

  • Ordinary people like us have power to reduce aggression and violence in our lives and communities.

  • The most powerful way to do so is through the conscious daily practice of nonviolence principles.

Our Initiatives

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The Beloved Community

MCNV envisions the beloved community, a place where injustice, poverty, and hate are replaced by fairness, abundance, and love. If this vision seems ambitious, it's because the need for transformative change is great. All MCNV projects ultimately focus on creating the beloved community.

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Learning for Nonviolence

Learning for Nonviolence supports the MCNV mission, which is all about helping people build a safer and fairer world through nonviolence. MCNV offers educational resources like training sessions, classes, and materials. MCNV seeks to add new educational opportunities for teachers, students, caregivers, and local communities through ongoing projects.

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Nonviolence Resource Development

MCNV creates foundational tools that teach principles and practices of nonviolence. These resources not only provide knowledge but also equip people with practical skills to address and prevent violence effectively. Ultimately, these resources contribute to building a safer, more just world where dialogue and cooperation prevail over aggression and discord.

Our Beginnings

MCNV is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation originally chartered  to carry out limited activities. We are expanding and offering more services. We began as a grass roots group and will continue to grow “from the roots up” where we can add value to the community!

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